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  • "The Role of Non-Profit and Government Attorneys in Advancing Social Justice," presented by NFALA Government and Public Sector

"The Role of Non-Profit and Government Attorneys in Advancing Social Justice," presented by NFALA Government and Public Sector

  • Wednesday, January 17, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Virtual

This virtual panel will explore how attorneys in non-profit organizations and government agencies collaborate to address social justice issues, including civil rights, access to justice, and equity.

Panelists Include:

  • Michael Aguhar, Program Director at the Crossroads Fund
  • Kevin Benedicto, San Francisco Police Commission
  • Carolyn Cole, Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts
  • Rose Cuison-Villazor, Rutgers University

While registration has closed, please join us on Zoom:


Meeting ID: 864 0675 1748
Passcode: 722188

For more information, contact NFALA GPS Co-Chairs Abigail Rivamonte Mesa (rivamonte@gmail.com) or Raymond Rollan (raymond.r.rollan@gmail.com)

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