In 2021, NFALA made a push to establish the "NFALA 100" comprised of the organization's first one hundred lifetime direct members. Under the efforts of then Vice President of Membership Elaine Pascua, this incredible goal was reached by October 2021.
NFALA 100 members enjoyed two exclusive inaugural events, including a Whistle Pig whiskey tasting fundraiser for FilVetRep and a "couch concert" fundraiser for the NFALA Foundation featuring performances from five Fil-Am Broadway stars.
Thank you to this founding circle of members for their generous support, dedication, commitment, and investment in the future of NFALA.

Jeri Gonzales Abrams
Naaman Abrams
Christina Ahluwalia
Allison Alcasabas
Benes Aldana
Chris Alvarez
Ruthe Ashley
Catherine Asuncion
Mari Bandoma Callado
Lisa Bannapradist
Alan Basa
Phil Bautista
Carolynn Beck
Bernadette Bulacan
Hon. Patrick Bumatay
Mark Calaguas
Carlito Caliboso
Vanessa Candelaria
Juvie Cruz Cardenas
June Casalmir
Mimi Castillo
Maria Celis
Joe Centeno
Billy Chan
Michael Chu
Anna Mercado Clark
Aimee Contreras-Camua
Janice Dantes
Abigail Daquiz
Jason de Guzman
Eric de los Santos
Adeline Deladisma
Jhanice Domingo
Pankit Doshi
Francis Eugenio
Cheryl Farrish
John Fetters
Rudy Figueroa
Courtney Fong
Jeff Gaba
Charina Garcia
Lorna Garcia de Guzman
Kristy Gonowon
Chad Hartley
Alen Hsu
Janice Jabido
Chris Javillonar
Jeffrey Javinar
Rachel Puno Juliana
Charles Jung
Winnie Kantaris
Greg Lamorena
John Laney
Angela Lim
Nolan Lim
Ben Lumicao
Gail Manuguid
Julia Markley
Melissa Martinez
Melanie Matias
David Mesa
Cherylyn Esoy Mizzo
Connie Montoya
Gretel Ness
Eleanor Nisperos
Raymond Ocampo Jr.
Beth Olivera
Dennis Pangindian
Elaine Pascua
Odette Polintan
Christine Pompa
Hon. Steven Powers
Romeo Quinto, Jr.
Bryan Ramos
Sree Rao
Hon. Benjamin Reyes II
Mark Reyes
Michelle Roberts
Vince Roldan
Heidi Rowe
Peter Sabido
Emmanuel Salazar
Zenia "Zee" Salles
Eleanor Satuito
Hon. Lorna Schofield
Jathniel Shao
Lakhi Siap
Carolyn Sieve
Christine Start
Anna Sutti
Reynard Tanig
Maricar Tinio
Jonah Toleno
Noel Vales
Vince Verde
Andrew Villacastin
Rodney Villazor
Florelee Wan
Johnny Wang
Hon. Janelle Wipper
Joseph Yao
Gary Zhao